
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

NIKE x The Amazing Spiderman

The re-branding of new movie, The Amazing Spider-man, took a youthful and extreme scientific approach to this rebooted version of Peter Parker's story. Having just spent time watching with the fam, I tried keeping a casual look out for any product integration that caught my attention. Surprisingly it was the first science fiction movie I've seen recently that didn't hint at the use of Macintosh devices, rather the computers used were all Windows.(1) In the movie Peter wears a worn out pair of Nike Air Force 1s through out the intro of this newly established Peter Parker. The most familiar swoosh logo is prominent, and brought a real life effect to the various submerged digital action scenes. There is a moment in the film where Peter with his new found powers takes out his skate deck and for a good one minute has a skate montage in an abandon factory, displaying an exclusive value of the Nike brand sneakers to young viewers out there. In the sneaks final cameo- before Peter ditches the sneakers for spandex, Parker seeks revenge on the School Basket Ball court with the class bully who is also sporting a pair of dunks, ending in a victorious slam dunk and shattering of the back board.The stress of the shoes in specific scenes is what initially caught my attention, and I'm satisfied with the perfect allusive message communicated to Nike's consumers. This is the first 3D movie I have experienced featuring Nike's Shoes, making it a note worthy moment in the company's commercial/ customer outreach. It couldn't have been done any better, in my opinion! 
I would love to have put up clips of these scenes, but since the movie was just released today, that would be morally impossible. You'll have to catch it for yourself, which I suggest you do, despite the simplicity of the movie compared to the true grit nature of the previous versions, the film is a great piece of tailored 3D material targeting the younger generation. BUT just as easily view-able by the entire family!(2) The villain in this one is a giant lizard and I've stumbled upon this awesome Nike commercial from the eighties of Godzilla vs Charles Barkley.  Created by advertising agency Weiden + Kennedy, their work with Nike has been constant to this day. So for the sake of making any and all references possible.. while also making an effort to staying on subject, Ill leave you with this short commercial. Take a look!

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