
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Product Placement via Kill Bill Vol. 1

(1)PUMA and (2) NIKE
Combining a violent scene and at the end of a murder placing a shoe logo? A Perfect product placement in my opinion. My Freshman year in High School I would watch Kill Bill to sleep, and had been a loyal Puma consumer through out my schooling years. Id love to see a come back in the near future, of Nikia coming back to avenge moma Vivica Fox's death! Puma Promotional ad 2020? Copy Rights Deviiled Egg! (3)Just for fun watch this hilarious ABSOLUT VODKA promotional film from 2010, inspired by Uma Thermans character in Kill Bill. The Film was directed by A group of Filmmakers by the name of TRACKTOR, who have created a lot of memorable promotional ads in the past .

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